Day 10 – Import RAW file, Convert to JPG and Save

Ron Says:
I’ve hammered into Leonard’s head from day one to shoot his photographs in RAW format and convert them to JPG from day one. He’s learned well and has come to see exactly why he wants to do it that way. Next week we’ll take a look at what Leonard already knows about shooting in RAW format. One of the biggest beefs from anyone is it’s not easy to convert a RAW file to a JPG file. I say, “phooey!”. It’s easy.

Without going into great detail about RAW files at this point let’s just look at simply converting RAW to JPG. Since Leonard’s already spent a bundle on his camera and Photoshop expecting him to plunk down more money just to convert a RAW file to a JPG is asking a bit much. So instead I’m encouraging Leonard to use a freeware program on this one and save up for his 50mm lens. Leonard’s going to use this converter and you may as well give it a test drive too.

RAW Shooter Freeware Download

Leonard Says:
I’ve downloaded the freeware program. Of course This can be done in photoshop one picture at a time. It’s a heck of a lot quicker to instantly convert all of the pictures to .jpg. Now I can quickly view all of my pictures and select the one I want to work with. Lots more time is saved this way than it would be to open each picture in Adobe Camera Raw. Also, no further steps are needed to share the pictures with friends or print them out. I don’t like this at this point being that I can modify my pictures for the best outcome if I do it the long way. This is a good idea if I want to send someone the original picture and then show them the after part once I am done with my modifications. Great program to have and anyone who shoots in RAW should have. It’s really instant!

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